Saturday, April 24, 2010

Social Class

  • Social class is a division of society made up of persons possessing certain common social characteristics which are taken to quality them for inimate, equal status relations with one another, and which restricts their interaction with members of other social classes.
(Krech, Crutchfieled & Ballachey in Dubois 2000)

  • Determined by a complex set of variables, including income, family background and occupation.
(Solomon, 2006)

On the picture we can see an example of social class.

The man on the left:
  • is wearing dirty clothes.
  • cheap clothes.
The man on the right:
  • is wearing nice, clean clothes
  • the siut looks expensive plus tie what make his look elegant
By the time the social classes changed a lot. In the past there were only three classes and nowadays there are seven of them.

Tiny Upper Class
Middle Class
Majority Working and Lower Classes

Upper Middle
Middle Middle
Lower Middle
Working Class
Upper Lower Class
Poverty Class

Measuring Social Class
Great Britain
  • A - upper middle class
  • B - middle class (The majority of the population of Britain. They include industrialists, professionals, business people and shop owners)
  • C1 - lower middle class
  • C2 - skilled working class
  • D - working class (People who are agricultural, mine and factory workers)
  • E - lower class (Alsmot the same as a working class)
  • Barahmins - priests and teachers
  • Ksatriyas - warriors and rulers
  • Vaisyas - farmers
  • Sudras - labourers
  • Untouchables - polluted labourers
What does is 'social status' ?

In sociology , social status is the honor or prestige attached to one's position in society. It may also refer to a rank or position that one holds in a group, for example son or daughter, playmate, pupil, etc.

Social status, the position or rank of a person or group within the society, can be determined two ways. One can earn their social status by their own achievements, which is known as achieved status.

Status refers to the relative rank that an individual holds; this includes attendant rights, duties, and lifestyle, in a social hierarhy
based upon honor or prestige. Status has two different types that come along with it: achieved, and ascribed. The word status refers to social stratification on a vertical scale.

Income and status

Status inconsistency is a situation where an individual's social positions have both positive and negative influences on his or her social status. For example, a teacher may have a positive societal image (respect, prestige) which increases their status but may earn little money, which simultaneously decreases their status.

Both social class and income data are needed to predict behaviour with expensive and symblic products, e.g:

There is an commercial example designed for middle and upper classes:

The music and graphic is like into middle and upper clases.

There is an example of Sainsbury's commercial which is aimed at working class individuals who are looking to save money.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Family

Families of the 21st Century come in all shapes and sizes. Divorce, remarriage, parenting out-of-wedlock and a host of other variables have turned nuclear families into the exception rather than the norm. As little as a half-century ago, children were typically raised in homes with two biological parents, and chances are, those two parents had the support of extended family members nearby. When one questioned their own parenting, they had only to turn to one of these supporters for reassurance and a confidence boost.

Modern society has done away with the fairytale, opened its eyes and cleaned the wax from its ears. In the 21st century, families are defined by much broader categories and include single parents, stepfamilies, teenage mothers and non-related carers. Find out more about the modern family and the issues they face here. []

There are a few different types of families:

  • Nuclear family
The term nuclear family can be defined simply as a wife/mother, a husband/father, and their children who live together.
  • Extended family
A family group that consists of parents, children, and other close relatives, often living in close proximity.

  • Family of orientation
It is a family which you were born into.

with my parents xx

  • Family of procreation
It is a family founded through marriage.

The Family Life Cycle.

  • It is a way of segmenting the family marekt at different stages of the life cycle to determine the products and services that people buy at each stage
  • The model describes the stages which consumer in their lives as they have families
  • There were significantly fewer frequent attenders among the families of the younger family life cycle phase (new parents — preschool family) and more frequent attenders among the families of the older family life cycle phase (school age — family as a launching centre and postparental — aging family phases) than among the respective control families

The cycle includes 9 different stages:

1. Bachelor
  • An unmarried man
  • Young, not living at home
  • Low income
  • Few financial burdens
  • Usually they buy: basic kitchen equipment, basic furniture, cars etc.

2. Newly married
  • Young people, with no children
  • Short time after marriage
  • Higher incomes
  • They buy: cars, holidays etc.

3. Full Nest I

  • People who has children under 6
  • They have low incomes
  • Low incomes - high debts
  • Reliance on credit
  • Child dominated household
  • Spending dominated by children's needs

4. Full Nest II

  • People who has children over 6
  • Incomes imporving
  • child still dominated household
  • Working

5. Full Nest III

  • Older married
  • Their children are dependent from parents
  • Older children at work/higher education
  • school and exams dominated household
6. Empty Nest I

  • Older married
  • Parents feel unhappy because their children becaome adults and have stopped living with them
  • Expenses low
  • Home ownership at peak
  • Interensted in travels, recreation
  • Buy: luxuries, home impovements

7. Empty Nest II

  • Older marriage
  • Retired
  • No children living at home with them
  • Signification cut in income
  • Buy medical care
  • Some spending on hobbies
  • Assist children

8. Solitary Survivior I

  • They might be widower/widow
  • They are still working
  • Some spending on hobbies
  • Worried about security and dependence
9. Solitary Survivior II

  • Wdower/widow
  • Reitred
  • They need help, care, security, attention
  • Signification cut in income

The model provides an understanding of changes in consumer buying behaviour.

Family roles and decision making

The family is a complex unit comprised of individuals with varied cognitive, emotional, and behavioral characteristics and abilities that can greatly affect family decisionmaking across an individual’s life-span. “Decision-making” describes the process by which families make choices, judgments, and ultimately come to conclusions that guide behaviors. Family decision-making implies that more than one member’s input and agreement is involved (Scanzoni & Polonko 1980). The decision-making process is centered on core communication processes involved in creating shared meaning. In the decision-making process, families can acknowledge the differences among members and negotiate their needs for closeness and independence (Baxter & Montgomery 1996).

The decision maker(s) have the power to determine issues such as:

  • Whether to buy
  • Which product to buy (pick-up or passenger car?)
  • Which brand to buy
  • Where to buy it and
  • When to buy.

* Scanzoni, J., & Polonko, K. (1980). A conceptual approach to explicit marital negotiation.
Journal of Marriage and the Family.

* Baxter, L. A., & Montgomery, B. M. (1996). Relating: Dialogues and dialectics. New York: Guilford.