Saturday, November 14, 2009

Personality and self-concept

Last lectures topic was "Personality and Self-concept".
At beginning, when we were coming to the class everyone had to sit in a place which was describing his/her personality, but this how we think we are. There were places for:
--> Shy people [here I sat :P]
--> Serious people
--> Outgoing people
--> Kind people

We had to do some personality testes. Here are mine results:

1. Personality Test:

Introverted - 84%
Intuition - 58%

Feeling - 74%
Judging - 68%

- INFJs are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals. Artistic and creative, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. Only one percent of the population has an INFJ Personality Type, making it the most rare of all the types.

At class we compared our results to Simpson's Family. My result is that I'm like Lisa Simpson.


Have very high expectation for themselves and others (both a strengths and weaknesses). Sensitive and concerned for others feelings


Extreme dislike of conflicts and criticism.

It 's really how I am :P

2. Questionnaire test:

In that test I got 40 points. The results show a bit about this how others can see me.
But not every sentence is true about me :P

- Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful and practical. They see you as clever and gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it takes you a long time to get over it if that trust is ever broken. -

3. The big five personality questionnaire:

OPENNESS - |||||| 38%
CONSCIENTIOUSNESS - |||||||||| 44%
EXTRAVERSION - ||||||||||||||||||||||||| 69%
AGREEABLENESS - |||||||||||||| 56%
NEUROTICISM - |||||||||||||||||||||||| 69%

- ESFPs live in the moment, experiencing life to the fullest. They enjoy people, as well as material comforts. Rarely allowing conventions to interfere with their lives, they find creative ways to meet human needs. ESFPs are excellent team players, focused on completing the task at hand with maximum fun and minimum discord. Active types, they find pleasure in new experiences. ESFPs learn more by doing than by studying or reading, and so they tend to rush into things, learning by interacting with their environment. They usually dislike theory and written explanations. Observant, practical, realistic, and specific, ESFPs make decisions according to their own personal standards. They use their Feeling judgment internally to identify and empathize with others. -

4. Personality Quiz:

All we had to do, was to draw a pig and then we could interpret the results.

My drawing: :))

It is nice, isn't it? xD :))

My pig is drawn toward the top of paper: it mean that I am positive and optimistic. [the optimistic part doesn't suit to me].

Facing left: it mean that I believe in tradition, I am friendly, and I remember dates (birthdays, etc.).

With few details: it means that I am emotional and naive, you care little for details and are a risk-taker. [naive?? it doesn't suit to me].

With 4 legs showing: it means that I am secure, stubborn, and stick to your ideals.

The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are. The bigger the better.

The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life! (And again more is better!). hahaha xD:P

Now a bit about this what personality and self-concept is:

Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncrasy of a living being. It is an act of high courage flung in the face of life, the absolute affirmation of all that constitutes the individual, the most successful adaptation to the universal condition of existence coupled with the greatest possible freedom for self-determination.

- Carl Gustav Jung, 1934 -

Self-concept: the beliefs a person holds about his/her own attributes and how he/she evaluates those qualities.

- Solomon, 1999 -

Horney (1945)

* Personality develops from the level of anxiety felt at being a dependent child
- going towards others (affection/affiliation) COMPLAINT
- going against others (power/domination) AGGRESSIVE
- turning away from others (isolation/indifference) DETACHED

Self image, self esteem and idea self:
* self image - the kind of person we think we are - usually comprises social roles, body image and personality traits (very descriptive)
* ideal self - is the kind of person we would like to be (e.g. a better mother) which may be slightly or totally different from our self image. The larger the gap the lower our self esteem
* self esteem - is the extent to which we like ourselves, whether we accept or approve or our self image

Self image of me:

Ideal self image of me:

Here in an video about this how people see them self image.

Some of people don't see how they really are. A lot girl think that they are fat, not attractive and they try to lose some weight. It is not good for them, like you can see on video.